Take your next step
4-week, discussion-based class for new believers where you can ask hard questions in community.
Seasonal Bible studies for men and women covering a variety of books, topics and Scripture.
Discuss Scripture, build friendships, and share life and faith together. Life Groups meet at various times and locations.
Make a public declaration of your new faith in Jesus through believer’s baptism!
First Free Rockford is a multi-generational Christian church in Rockford, Illinois. We’ve been around since 1884, through most of our city’s history.
Our Mission: To bring people into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our Vision: To see all generations go, tell, and show the love of God in the city of Rockford and around the world.
First Free Rockford’s culture is shaped by growing relationships with God as we worship together, grow together and serve together. We offer five different Sunday worship venues with various musical styles. Through Life Groups and other small communities for all ages, we deepen relationships with God and friendships with each other. We give and serve together generously, partnering with dozens of missionaries and nonprofit organizations serving Rockford and in various locations around the world.
First Free Rockford is part of the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA), an association of autonomous churches united around ten theological convictions that form the basis of what we believe.
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Every kid has a unique personality and God has a special plan for each of them. Jesus said: Let the little children come to me … for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. (Matt. 19:14)
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Looking for more?
We are here and ready to help you grow in your faith. If you have questions and would like to speak with someone please contact us and we will set up a time to talk with you.
bring people into a relationship with Jesus Christ
see all generations go, tell, and show the love of God