Opportunities for all.
Whatever your age and stage in life, you can find community and deepen your faith together.
Life Groups
Local Community and Discipleship
New groups launching the week of October 9! Our Life Groups are committed to creating an environment where you can wrestle with what it looks like to faithfully follow Jesus. Through discussing Scripture, building friendships, and sharing life and faith together, you can grow deeper in your relationship with God and others. New groups launch regularly, in homes or online.
Various days/times
Various locations
Host homes in Rockford area
Bible Studies
A variety of group Bible studies for women and men, each centering on a specific curriculum and typically follows a roundtable discussion format. These studies provide a welcoming environment to deepen your understanding of the Bible and build community.
Wednesday Evenings & Thursday Mornings
Options for women and men Small fee to cover materials
Main Campus – Various
Rockford, IL 61107
Adult Communities
Biblical Communities for Ages 50+
Close-knit communities within our larger church. Adult Communities meet in church classrooms on Sunday mornings. Each emphasizes discipleship through community building, biblical teaching, connecting prayer and compassionate giving.
To learn more and join a community today, please call 815-877-7046 or email adultministry@firstfreerockford.org.
Sunday Mornings
Singles and couples
Main Campus – Various
Rockford, IL 61107
Rooted Young Adults
Ages 18–25 | Year-Round
Rooted is our community for young adults and college students. We gather weekly on Tuesdays to help each other grow in our relationships with God, each other and the church family. Find your identity centered in Christ, pursue God-given dreams and goals, have fun together and ultimately enjoy a deep support system during all the transitions of young adulthood.
In Starting Point classes, you can explore questions about God and Christianity. Discussion leaders walk the group through topics like beginning faith in Christ, prayer and reading the Bible. It’s a low-pressure environment and we don’t mind hard questions!
We offer believers’ baptism several times a year. While we don’t believe salvation depends on this, it’s a wonderful act of obedience to Jesus to make a public declaration of your faith.
Membership Matters classes are a great way to learn more about First Free Rockford—who we are, what we do, what we believe and how you can be involved. You’ll also hear about our history in the Rockford community and meet the people who oversee our current ministries.
First Free Rockford is a multi-generational church that celebrates and humbly shares the love and hope of Jesus Christ. Our Adult Ministries is here to serve you and cheer you on in your walk with Jesus Christ. Whatever your age and stage in life, you can find community and deepen your faith together. Let us know how we can help.
Erin Blume
Adult Ministries Director
David Creek
Associate Pastor of Family Ministries