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Worship FAQs

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Classic Service FAQs

When and where does the Chorale/Orchestra meet?
  • The Chorale and Orchestra both meet on Thursday evenings in the main music room
  • The Chorale meets from 6:30-7:45pm
  • The Orchestra meets from 7:30-8:30pm
Do I have to audition to be in the Chorale/Orchestra?

There is not an audition, but Renee meets with all new members to hear them sing/play to get an idea of their tone and range to see how they best fit with the group.

Do I have to be able to read music?
  • For Chorale, no!  We have many singers that join not knowing how to read music – a lot of them will tell you they learned to read some by being in the choir!  We provide recordings of all our music which helps non-music readers to learn.
  • For Orchestra, yes for most instruments.  The exceptions would be guitar and drums.
Do I have to be a member of First Free Rockford to join?

No, but we do ask that you be a regular attender of one of our weekly worship services and are committed to First Free Rockford being your church home.

What if I can't come every week, can I still join?

Yes.  We realize that family and work sometimes conflict with rehearsals.  However, you will feel more connected to the group if you can be there consistently.

Does the Chorale/Orchestra participate in every service?

Generally, the Chorale/Orchestra serve weekly in the Classic Service from September – June.

What is the dress code for the Chorale/Orchestra?
  • Generally the Chorale wears choir robes for Sunday morning service.
  • The Orchestra doesn’t wear robes, we just ask that they dress nicely.
What kind of music do you do?
  • We do a wide variety of musical styles from traditional choral anthems, southern gospel, hymns, and modern worship songs. 
  • With the main purpose of the Chorale/Orchestra being to lead the congregation in corporate worship, the words of the songs that we do are the most important thing, not the style of the music. We strive to choose songs that glorify God, affirm His character and remind us of the gospel story – from the cross, to the empty grave, to our hope of eternal life in heaven.